New Era Magazine Issue 6 with Graveland (16 pages), Ûngrûn, Thorns etc. Articles, concert & music reviews, ads etc 52 A5 pages, full-colour, matte offset printed
Set of 2 issues of this interesting Irish fanzine. In-depth interviews with many weird bands.
Killer new 'zine from the USA. Personal recommendation!
44 pages in English, with: Black Edifice, Taranis, Botulistum, Faceless Burial, Burning Winds, Grafjammer, Dungeon Keeper, Sotherion, Old, Sammath. And from the dungeons: Hangöver (2003) and Acheron (2004).
44 A5 full-colour pages, offset matte printed with Stangarigel, Goatmoon, Svartsyn, D.R.E.P. Grand Celestial Nightmare etc.
ERNE #1 Dark Underground zine is out now, and available now! This fanzine contains interviews with: BAD OMEN, BOTTENBERG, MORDEN DEMSTERVOLD, NIDHOGG, SATANAEL RABEN, SIGWYRD (MORDAEHOTH/NECROMANTIC WORSHIP a.o.). With exclusive photo’s and art from the artists. Cover design by The Specter. --
One of the best new zines relating to extreme/underground metal and cult art. All articles are either exclusive or full versions of abridged online pieces.
Blasphemy, Dautha, Clandestine Blaze, Acrimonious, Lychgate, Morbosidad, Nuclear War Now!, Cult Never Dies, Mystifier, ROME, W.A.I.L., Winterfylleth, Phurpa
Bardo Methodology Magazine Vol. 2 Abigor, Master's Hammer, Nightbringer, Clandestine Blaze, Rev Kriss Hades, Inquisition, Phurpa, Rebirth of Nefast etc.
Brand new issue from magazine by Colonel Para Bellum (Blackdeath). Originally started in Russian language during the 90s, now back in English language. In-depth interviews with Xibalba Itzaes, Winterblut, Satanic Warmaster, Mortifera, Malhkebre, Leviathan, Cultus, Clandestine Blaze, Blackdeath. 40 pages, A4 size, no reviews, no advertising, English language.
New Era Magazine IV + CD with Botulistum, Baxaxaxa, Jeroen van Valkenburg, Satanic Warmaster, Sabbat/Metalucifer, HMSS records, eDisco, Elektrocution, Crypt of the Wizard, reviews, articles & ads 56 A5 pages, full-colour offset matte printed. Includes free label sampler CD and comes in printed enveloppe.
New Era Magazine III with Funeral WInds, Konflict, Erscheinung, Крюкокрест, Gloomy Radiance of the Moon, Demstervold etc 36 A5 pages, full-colour, matte offset printed New Era Magazine II with Necromantic Worship, Naked Whipper, Ved Buens Ende, Helleruin etc. 32 A5 pages, full-colour, matte-offset printed.
New Era Magazine III with Funeral WInds, Konflict, Erscheinung, Крюкокрест, Gloomy Radiance of the Moon, Demstervold etc 36 A5 pages, matte offset printed.
A4/ ≈120 pages a collaborative effort between Cloven Hoof & Dávid Glomba, three years in the making
New Era Magazine II with Necromantic Worship, Naked Whipper, Ved Buens Ende, Helleruin etc. 32 A5 pages, full-colour, matte-offset printed.
Kaleidoscope 'zine 14 - Anhedonist, Beyond, Convent Guilt, Tribulation, Finnish Death Metal special
Kaleidoscope 'zine 13 - Slaegt, Wither, Tollund Men, Veneror, Assymetry
Kaleidoscope 'zine 12 - Dolentia, Malefices, Reveal, Uncreationist, Year of the Goat